waitingwithadana.de is a cloud-based, via a websiteoperable, waiting management and patient call system forHealthcare providers such as practices, MVZs and hospitals.It is intuitive to use and discreetly calls patients using a numberon a TV set in the waiting area. By the use ofreusable and disinfectable cards, it is sustainable andhygienic. Wartenmitadana offers a unique overview ofpremises and patients, easy integration of videoand emergency video consultation and is with everyoneDoctor information system compatible. You can also create your own waiting room TV presentation and inform and entertain your patients and advertise your services.• AdanaTV now calls your patients automatically, anonymously and discreetly on your AndroidTV as soon as the consultation/treatment room becomes free• With our waiting room TV module, you can create your personal presentation with your corporate design in no time at all• Sustainable, environmentally friendly and resource-saving – no paper queues required as with other call systems• Compatible with all doctor information systems• More convenience through GDT/BDT interface through automatic transfer of patient data from your doctor information system or appointment calendar program• Queue management automatically by appointment time or manually using drag and drop• Employees are individually informed about tasks, events and messages• Individual treatment process -> your patients can automatically go through several rooms or departments in a fixed order• Management of the queues by all employees on all end devices (Windows, Android, Apple) at no additional cost• The attention is on the TV! As a result, your waiting room TV is THE advertising medium in your practice - your patients know what you are offering, ask questions of their own accord and you benefit from more sales